Here’s the performance dates for The Magnificent Ambersons. Sunday, June 1 at 8:00 pm Friday, June 6 at 8:00 pm Tuesday, June 10 at 8:00 pm Thursday, June 12 at 8:00 pm It will be at The Brick Theatre in Williamsburg. I’m really excited about this show. Making good progress in rehearsals for this huge […]
I was recently cast in a May/June production of The Magnificent Ambersons. I will be playing the part of George Amberson Minifer. It’s a stage adaptation of Orson Welles’ film. Director Ian Hill intends to adapt Welles’ original cut of the film. As I understand it, the studio absolutely butchered the film. The performance dates […]
New Headshots
Just put up my new headshots. I’m in color now! Check them out here.
Pinter in The Times
Great article about Pinter in the New York Times this week. Talking about his new film Sleuth, which I can’t wait to see.
Fever Dreams and Blue Morning Whistles
This week I’ll be performing in a piece at the Ontological Hysteric theatre. It’s called Fever Dreams and Blue Morning Whistles: Four Cartoons for the Stage Directed and written by Stephen Cedars, it consists of several short “cartoons for the stage”, with myself as a sort of curator in between the cartoons. They are all […]
Richard Foreman’s direction for actors
Richard Foreman posted an interesting discussion in his blog about how he directs his actors. I’ve added some emphasis. I like actors that are not saying at every moment to the audience, on one level or another, love me, love me. Even when I was a young man I always disliked what I perceived as […]
New York Innovative Theatre Awards
I went to the NY IT Awards show last night. Two things: 1. Jess Draper was robbed. 2. JESS DRAPER WAS ROBBED. The studio did win two (well-deserved) awards: Outstanding Actress in a Featured Role (Summer Moore) and Outstanding Actor in a Featured Role (Trey Gibbons). The show itself was surprisingly entertaining. It was well-organized […]
“Just say the goddamned line!”
So I’ve moved into Terry Schreiber‘s advanced acting class. Terry was recently featured in a great article in Backstage called The New Generation of Acting Teachers. He has the best quote in the article, where he goes off on actors who don’t say the words exactly as written in a script. Pick it up. The […]
Shows, The Birthday PartySpecial Skills: Motorcycle Driver
This weekend I attended a two-day course at Ride MSS where I learned how to drive a motorcycle. It was the first time I’d ever driven a motorcycle, although my dad says when I was little he used to sit me in front of him on his motorcycle and he let me steer for a […]
Every starving actor should read this…
Jenna Fischer (you know her from The Office) is one of the “Good Guys”. She struggled with working survival jobs and auditioning and finding an agent, and all the other crap actors who don’t have famous or rich parents have to deal with. She wrote an extremely good blog on her myspace page about breaking […]
Under the Sign of the Hourglass
My friend wrote a play being produced by the Ontological- Hysterical‘s Incubator series. It’s based on the works of Polish author Bruno Shulz. I saw it last night and inspite of feeling like we were sitting in a literal incubator, I really enjoyed it. You can definitely see the influence of Richard Foreman on director […]
Anthony, meet Ian
Ian McDiarmid, Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Play. Now, it’s not UNtrue that I am devoted to things StarWarsian. But I can say with complete objectivity that this was one of the best performances I’ve seen on stage ever. When I saw The Faith Healer, I missed almost the entirety of the […]
Pterodactyls Pictures
I put up a new page under Past Projects with pictures from my recent production of Pterodactyls. Click here.
Years of Static
My friend “Cal” is a member of what the kids call a “rock-and-roll band” named Years of Static. Do they have the credentials to rock out, you ask? Indeed they do. The last concert I went to, I was rocked RIGHT IN THE FACE! Not convinced? Head to their website and listen to their truly […]
“Pterodactyls” (and my birthday) comes and goes
The too short run of Pterodactyls ended Sunday. We oversold most shows. It was incredibly fun playing that character in that world with those actors. A lot of people from work came to see the show after a gentlemen from the office was kind enough to purchase a block of tickets. Thank you to him […]
Pterodactyls information
I will be performing in Pterodactyls by Nicky Silver next weekend. The show only runs the one week and we are already selling what seats we have, so it may be best to make reservations. It’s a very funny black comedy. PTERODACTYLS by Nicky Silver Featuring: Cory Conley, Stephen Heskett, James Mackey, Stacey Martin, Katie […]
Cast in “Pterodactyls”
Earlier this week I was cast as “Arthur” in Nicky Silver’s Pterodacytls. It’s being directed by my friend Stephen Cedars. Details coming soon!
Upgrading the website
I’m in the process of updating my website. Some links may be missing until then.
My teacher’s book on acting
My acting teacher, Mr. Terry Schreiber just had his first book on acting published. I haven’t had time to read it all yet, but it details what he does in class. I have to say that without a doubt, Terry is the finest acting teacher I’ve ever had. He creates an incredibly safe environment and […]
Photos from The Birthday Party
I put up a little page with a few photos taken from a late rehearsal of The Birthday Party. Click here to see them.
Shows, The Birthday Party